Pre Planning
How We Can Help?
Many people find the idea of someone else arranging their funeral to be a little distressing. Some simply want to put aside some money to help with the cost of it all, and others like the idea of pre planning their funeral, so they can help their family to make crucial decisions when the time comes.
Whatever your preferences, we at Jason Morrison Funeral Services, are here to make sure they happen. As, we believe it's not only important that your wishes are carried out, but that you have the peace of mind of knowing, that someone has those wishes stored safely for you.
Pre-paid Funerals
For many people pre paying for their funeral provides peace of mind, as it ensures that money is not only set aside, but also helps to relieve their family and loved ones of the financial responsibility when the time comes. Plus, pre-paid funerals up to $10,000 are currently excluded from asset testing (under government legislation) when assessing eligibility for a subsidy for long term residential care for the elderly.
Unlike an insurance policy, which will only cover you if you're up to date with your payments, a pre payment scheme invests your money for you to call on, when the need arises. Additionally, an insurance policy can cost many thousands of dollars over the actual cost of a funeral.
Talk to us today about pre-paying for your funeral, either putting aside a lump sum towards the costs, or paying in installments.
Make an appointment today to talk to one of our friendly team, and we will guide you through all the options available, advise on, and produce an estimate for you to consider, and help lead you to a scenario which perfectly suits you and your family's needs.
And rest assured, all your information will be kept securely and confidentially until it is needed.
Give us a call, and make a time to have a chat with us

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